# Deploying hugo-mx-gateway on Docker An instance of `hugo-mx-gateway` can be quickly started on any machine running Docker. * Please first review the [configuration variables](#configuration-variables) and adapt them appropriately. * Then apply the following command: ``` docker run -d \ --publish 8080:8080 \ --name 'hugo-mx-gateway' \ -e SMTP_SERVER_ADDR="smtp.example.com:465" \ -e SMTP_VERITY_CERT=true \ -e SMTP_CLIENT_USERNAME="postmaster@example.com" \ -e SMTP_CLIENT_PASSWORD="postmasterSecretPassWord" \ -e CONTACT_REPLY_EMAIL="noreply@example.com" \ -e CONTACT_REPLY_BCC_EMAIL="contact@example.com" \ -e DEMO_URL="https://demo.example.com/" \ -e ALLOWED_ORIGINS=",example.com" \ rchakode/hugo-mx-gateway ``` * Check that the container is up and functionning. ``` curl ``` The output in case of success shall be `{"status": "ok"}`.