# Deploying hugo-mx-gateway on Google App Engine - [Requirements](#requirements) - [Setup Procedure](#setup-procedure) ## Requirements This procedure requires to have: * an active GCP account. * [Google Cloud SDK](https://cloud.google.com/sdk) (gcloud) installed and configured on your work station. * The credentials configured for gcloud must have sufficient permissions to create an App Engine application. ## Setup Procedure * Create/select a GCP project to deploy `hugo-mx-gateway`. Note that each GCP project can hold only a single App Engine instance. Several applications can be co-hosted as services for the root App Engine instance. In this case, a new application has to be declared as `service` in the `app.yaml` file. * Create the Google App Engine configuration file ``` cp app.yaml.sample app.yaml ``` * Open the `app.yaml` file with your favorite editor. * Edit the configuration variables as described [here](#configuration-variables). * Start the deployment ``` make deploy-gcp ``` * Check that `hugo-mx-gateway` is up and working ``` curl https://PROJECT-ID.REGION.r.appspot.com/ ``` Replace `PROJECT-ID` with the GCP project ID, and `REGION` with the deployment region.* The output in case of success shall be `{"status": "ok"}`.