# Deploying hugo-mx-gateway on Kubernetes - [Overview](#overview) - [Setup Procedure](#setup-procedure) ## Overview From the source tree, the folder `./helm/` contains Helm manifest to ease the deployment of hugo-mx-gateway on Kubernetes clusters. > **Important:** The chart is validated with Helm 3 and the pod is run in an unprivileged mode within a **Security Context**. ## Setup Procedure Proceed with the deployment as follows: * First edit the [values.yaml](./helm/values.yaml) file to set [configuration values](#configuration-variables) appropriately. * Choose a deployment namespace. In the sample commands provided hereafter, it's assumed that the target namespace is `hugo-mx-gateway`. If you opt for another namespace, do consider to adapt the commands accordingly. * Apply the deployment with Helm ``` helm upgrade \ --namespace hugo-mx-gateway \ --install hugo-mx-gateway \ helm/ ``` * Check that the application is up and running. ``` kubectl -n hugo-mx-gateway port-forward service/hugo-mx-gateway 8080:80 curl ``` The output in case of success shall be `{"status": "ok"}`.